Friday, January 15, 2010

01.14.10 Doctor Visit

Hi everyone!

I went to my Oncologist yesterday and they have increased my dose of Gleevec from 300 to 400mg per day. The side effects are the same just more of them. Lots of pain, chemo brain, having nausea, headaches etc… Same old same old!

I am thankful to still be around and to have the ability to get outpatient treatment. I’m also thankful for Jenifer. Without her my life would be pretty empty! She is always there to take care of me or listen to be complain about how I feel (which has been pretty often).

Anyway, my bone marrow team at Cedars has sent off a kit to my sister to get typed for bone marrow. My regular physician has also sent off for my blood type test. When I get the results for both I will let everyone know.

Lastly, I am holding out as long as my body will allow me to on the Gleevec. It’s getting pretty tough. If I cant take it anymore my doctors will switch me to a new chemo. Either Spyracel or some other one.

I’ll try to keep everyone posted more often!

Love you all!


  1. We love you Ryan and think of you and pray for you and jenifer daily, I too am so glad she is in your life I was worried when you were on your own! Its so much easier to have your partner and or best freind by your side when you go through a rough jorney or situation in life.I am as well thankful for her and her support in your journey.And yes out patient care has been so much better for Karlie and all of us to have her in the comforts of her home so I agree with you on that for sure :)
    I can think of your pain but Karlie can "feel" it and I know she understands how you feel.

    Hang in there and let us know if we can be a donor or what ever we might be able to do to help we are only a few hours away if you need anything you know we will be there :)
    Kelly, taylor and Girls

  2. Hang in there. It does not sound fun and we arewfritcher praying for you.


  3. Glad to hear that youre back up to 400 mg. I still remember the oncologist saying 90 days to remission with the Gleevac, without any reservation. Is the other (Spyracel) as good?


